How to Storage Vatrer Power Battery in Winter?


ブラック フライデー、全製品 5% 割引 読む 冬にヴァトラーパワーバッテリーを保管するにはどうすればよいですか? 1 分 ヴァトラーパワークリスマスプレゼント2023


短期保管温度は32℉~95℉ (0℃~35℃)をお勧めします。

1. バッテリーを保管する前に、バッテリー残量を 50% 以上に保ち、3 か月ごとに充電してください。
2. バッテリーを涼しく乾燥した場所に置きます。水蒸気による侵食を避けるため、絶対に凍結させないでください。
3. バッテリーを保管する場合は、できるだけバッテリーを電源装置から外してください。

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When it comes to managing your battery, it is generally recommended to turn it off when not in use. This applies to both the electric golf cart and any other devices powered by a battery. By turning off the battery, you prevent any unnecessary drain and conserve its energy for when you need it.

Leaving the battery on when not in use can lead to a gradual discharge of power over time, which may shorten its overall lifespan. Additionally, if the battery is left on for an extended period without being used or charged, it may become completely discharged, which can be detrimental to its health.

As for the intelligent charger, it is typically best to follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Some intelligent chargers are designed to automatically stop charging once the battery reaches its optimal charge level. In such cases, it is safe to leave the charger connected to the battery without overcharging it.

However, if your charger does not have an automatic shut-off feature or if you are unsure, it is generally recommended to disconnect the charger once the battery is fully charged. Overcharging can potentially damage the battery and reduce its lifespan.

In summary, it is advisable to turn off the battery when not in use to conserve its energy and prevent unnecessary drain. When it comes to the intelligent charger, follow the manufacturer’s instructions, and if it does not have an automatic shut-off feature, disconnect it once the battery is fully charged to avoid overcharging.

When it comes to managing your battery, it is generally recommended to turn it off when not in use. This applies to both the electric golf cart and any other devices powered by a battery. By turning off the battery, you prevent any unnecessary drain and conserve its energy for when you need it.

Leaving the battery on when not in use can lead to a gradual discharge of power over time, which may shorten its overall lifespan. Additionally, if the battery is left on for an extended period without being used or charged, it may become completely discharged, which can be detrimental to its health.

As for the intelligent charger, it is typically best to follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Some intelligent chargers are designed to automatically stop charging once the battery reaches its optimal charge level. In such cases, it is safe to leave the charger connected to the battery without overcharging it.

However, if your charger does not have an automatic shut-off feature or if you are unsure, it is generally recommended to disconnect the charger once the battery is fully charged. Overcharging can potentially damage the battery and reduce its lifespan.

In summary, it is advisable to turn off the battery when not in use to conserve its energy and prevent unnecessary drain. When it comes to the intelligent charger, follow the manufacturer’s instructions, and if it does not have an automatic shut-off feature, disconnect it once the battery is fully charged to avoid overcharging.



An intelligent charger, also known as a smart charger or microprocessor-controlled charger, is a type of battery charger that utilizes advanced technology to optimize the charging process. Unlike traditional chargers, which provide a constant flow of current to the battery, intelligent chargers employ sophisticated algorithms and sensors to monitor and adjust the charging parameters based on the battery’s condition and requirements. This allows for a more efficient and safe charging experience.
For more information:

An intelligent charger, also known as a smart charger or microprocessor-controlled charger, is a type of battery charger that utilizes advanced technology to optimize the charging process. Unlike traditional chargers, which provide a constant flow of current to the battery, intelligent chargers employ sophisticated algorithms and sensors to monitor and adjust the charging parameters based on the battery’s condition and requirements. This allows for a more efficient and safe charging experience.
For more information:

L kenobbie

L kenobbie

Brad Peak has excellent questions.
What is an intelligent charger?

Brad Peak has excellent questions.
What is an intelligent charger?

Brad Peak

Brad Peak

Should I turn the battery off or leave it on or does it matter? Should I leave the intelligent charger on or off?

Should I turn the battery off or leave it on or does it matter? Should I leave the intelligent charger on or off?





Price update as of March 11, 2025

Lithium Battery Model Price Discounted Buy link
Vatrer 12V 100Ah heated lithium battery 11 12V 100Ah(自己発熱) $269.99 今すぐ購入
Vatler 12V 100Ah LiFePO4 リチウム電池、低温カットオフ & 100A BMS 内蔵 11 12V 100Ah $189.99 今すぐ購入
12V 200Ah Bluetooth LiFePO4 Lithium Battery 11 12V 200Ah(自己発熱) $539.99 今すぐ購入
Vatler 12V 200Ah 200A BMS リチウム バッテリー Bluetooth 付き JP 6 12V 200Ah 200A BMS $509.99 今すぐ購入
Vatler 12V 200Ah LiFePO4 リチウム電池、内蔵 200A BMS および低温カットオフ LiFePO4 電池 11 12V 200Ah 100A BMS $439.99 今すぐ購入
12V 230AH Low Temp Cutoff LiFePO4 RV Battery 11 12V 230Ah $539.99 $100.00節約する 今すぐ購入
12V 300Ah LiFePO4 Lithium Battery 11 12V 300Ah $569.99 今すぐ購入
12V 300AH Bluetooth LiFePO4 Lithium Battery with Self-Heating 11 12V 300Ah(自己発熱) $669.99 今すぐ購入
Vatler 12V 460AH 低温カットオフ LiFePO4 RV バッテリー、300A BMS 内蔵、最大 3840W 電力出力 - Bluetooth RV バージョン 11 12V 460Ah $1,069.99 $530.00節約する 今すぐ購入
VATRER LiFePO4 24V200AH リン酸鉄リチウムイオンバッテリー 自己加熱 トローリングバッテリー APPコントロール 低温保護 リン酸鉄電池 BMS内蔵 11 24V 200Ah $1,009.99 今すぐ購入
36V ゴルフカート用リチウムバッテリー 11 36V 105Ah リチウム ゴルフカート バッテリー $1,069.99 $830.00節約する 今すぐ購入
Vatrer 51.2V 100Ah LiFePO4 リチウム太陽電池、内蔵 100A BMS、最大。 5120W 負荷電力、Bluetooth バージョン 11 51.2V 100Ah $1,069.99 $330.00節約する 今すぐ購入
Vatrer 48V 105AH リチウム ゴルフ カート バッテリー、200A BMS、4000+ サイクル LiFePO4 バッテリー、最大 10.24kW 電力 JP  11 48V 105Ah LiFePO4リチウムゴルフカートバッテリー $1,269.99 売り切れ 今すぐ購入
Wall Mounted Lithium Battery 11 51.2V 100Ah 壁掛け $1,359.99 売り切れ 今すぐ購入