Golf Cart Battery Explanation of LED Status

ゴルフカートのバッテリー LED ステータスの説明

グループ24バッテリーとは何ですか? 読む ゴルフカートのバッテリー LED ステータスの説明 1 分 ブラック フライデー、全製品 5% 割引

Vatrer 36V/48V ゴルフカートバッテリー LED ステータスの説明

機能項目 インジケーターライトの状態
1 フル充電/完了/スタンバイ (緑色のライトが常時点灯)
2 充電 (緑色のライトがゆっくり点滅し続けます)。
3 入力電圧異常 (赤色のライトが点滅し続けます)。
4 出力短絡/低電圧 (赤緑が連続点滅)。
5 出力逆接続 (赤、赤、緑、赤 2 個、緑 1 個が連続点滅)。
6 充電器本体の過熱 (赤-赤、2つの赤が連続点滅)。
7 出力過電流 (赤、赤、赤、3つの赤が連続点滅)。
8 出力過電圧 (赤、赤、赤、赤、4つの赤が連続点滅)。

充電器に問題がある場合は、ファンの回転が停止し、LED インジケーターが赤く点滅してエラー警告を発します。充電器を壁のコンセントから外してください。


1. 充電器を電源に接続しているときは、絶対に放置しないでください。

2. 許容される AC 入力電圧は 100 ~ 240V AC です。他の電圧には絶対に接続しないでください。

3. 充電器およびそれに接続された電池を可燃性の表面上に置かないでください。また、可燃性物質やガスの近くで充電器を操作しないでください。

4. 充電器の冷却スロットへの空気の流れが妨げられないことを確認してください。充電器をカーペットなどの表面の上に置かないでください。

5. バッテリーの極性を正しく維持し、ショートを避けるように十分注意してください。

5 コメント

Paul Reder

Paul Reder

My brand new Vatrer battery charger for the Vatrer 48 V battery won’t charge. The charger blinks four red lights when plugged into battery link. I have checked all connections they appear correct. Please advise.

My brand new Vatrer battery charger for the Vatrer 48 V battery won’t charge. The charger blinks four red lights when plugged into battery link. I have checked all connections they appear correct. Please advise.



Dear Brian Orr,

Thank you for reaching out to us regarding the issue with your new charger and your lithium battery (LiFePO4 38.4V/105Ah). We understand your concern and are here to help.

Based on your description, the charger continues to blink red and green, which typically indicates an issue with the charging process. If you have confirmed that the positive and negative terminals are not reversed, the next possible cause could be an output short circuit.

To assist you better and to accurately diagnose the problem, we kindly request that you provide a video or pictures showing the following:

The way the battery is connected to the charger.
The sequence of the LED flashes (red and green).
Having this visual information will greatly help our team in understanding the issue and providing you with the most accurate solution.

If, after reviewing the video or pictures, we determine that the problem is indeed with the battery or the charger itself, we will promptly provide you with the necessary after-sales service. This may include troubleshooting steps, replacement parts, or other appropriate actions to resolve the issue.

Please send the video or pictures to us at your earliest convenience. You can attach them to your email reply( or upload them to a cloud storage service and share the link with us.

Thank you for your cooperation. We look forward to resolving this issue for you promptly.

Best regards,

Vatrer Power

Dear Brian Orr,

Thank you for reaching out to us regarding the issue with your new charger and your lithium battery (LiFePO4 38.4V/105Ah). We understand your concern and are here to help.

Based on your description, the charger continues to blink red and green, which typically indicates an issue with the charging process. If you have confirmed that the positive and negative terminals are not reversed, the next possible cause could be an output short circuit.

To assist you better and to accurately diagnose the problem, we kindly request that you provide a video or pictures showing the following:

The way the battery is connected to the charger.
The sequence of the LED flashes (red and green).
Having this visual information will greatly help our team in understanding the issue and providing you with the most accurate solution.

If, after reviewing the video or pictures, we determine that the problem is indeed with the battery or the charger itself, we will promptly provide you with the necessary after-sales service. This may include troubleshooting steps, replacement parts, or other appropriate actions to resolve the issue.

Please send the video or pictures to us at your earliest convenience. You can attach them to your email reply( or upload them to a cloud storage service and share the link with us.

Thank you for your cooperation. We look forward to resolving this issue for you promptly.

Best regards,

Vatrer Power



Dear Chris Rush,

Thank you for reaching out to us regarding the issue with your charger. We understand how frustrating it can be when things don’t work as expected.

The phenomenon you described, where the charger’s LED flashes with two red blinks and one green blink, is not listed in the standard error code list. However, this pattern often indicates that the charger’s output terminals might be connected incorrectly to the battery.

To assist you better and to accurately diagnose the problem, we kindly request that you provide a video showing the battery connection and the charger’s LED behavior. This video should include:

The way the battery is connected to the charger.
The sequence of the LED flashes (two red blinks followed by one green blink).
Having this video will greatly help our team in understanding the issue and providing you with the most accurate solution.

Please send the video to us at your earliest convenience. You can attach it to your email reply( or upload it to a cloud storage service and share the link with us.

Thank you for your cooperation. We look forward to resolving this issue for you promptly.

Best regards,
Vatrer Power

Dear Chris Rush,

Thank you for reaching out to us regarding the issue with your charger. We understand how frustrating it can be when things don’t work as expected.

The phenomenon you described, where the charger’s LED flashes with two red blinks and one green blink, is not listed in the standard error code list. However, this pattern often indicates that the charger’s output terminals might be connected incorrectly to the battery.

To assist you better and to accurately diagnose the problem, we kindly request that you provide a video showing the battery connection and the charger’s LED behavior. This video should include:

The way the battery is connected to the charger.
The sequence of the LED flashes (two red blinks followed by one green blink).
Having this video will greatly help our team in understanding the issue and providing you with the most accurate solution.

Please send the video to us at your earliest convenience. You can attach it to your email reply( or upload it to a cloud storage service and share the link with us.

Thank you for your cooperation. We look forward to resolving this issue for you promptly.

Best regards,
Vatrer Power

Chris Rush

Chris Rush

Charger won’t charge, led flashes two red blinks and one green blink. Didn’t see that in the error code list. Thank you.

Charger won’t charge, led flashes two red blinks and one green blink. Didn’t see that in the error code list. Thank you.

Brian Orr

Brian Orr

My brand new charger will not charge my lithium battery lifepo4 38.4v /105ah. It continues to blink red green red green. Please advise. I took the battery and only have the charger connected and nothing changes. Do I return, exchange or is there a work around.

My brand new charger will not charge my lithium battery lifepo4 38.4v /105ah. It continues to blink red green red green. Please advise. I took the battery and only have the charger connected and nothing changes. Do I return, exchange or is there a work around.





Price update as of March 11, 2025

Lithium Battery Model Price Discounted Buy link
Vatrer 12V 100Ah heated lithium battery 11 12V 100Ah(自己発熱) $269.99 今すぐ購入
Vatler 12V 100Ah LiFePO4 リチウム電池、低温カットオフ & 100A BMS 内蔵 11 12V 100Ah $189.99 今すぐ購入
12V 200Ah Bluetooth LiFePO4 Lithium Battery 11 12V 200Ah(自己発熱) $539.99 今すぐ購入
Vatler 12V 200Ah 200A BMS リチウム バッテリー Bluetooth 付き JP 6 12V 200Ah 200A BMS $509.99 今すぐ購入
Vatler 12V 200Ah LiFePO4 リチウム電池、内蔵 200A BMS および低温カットオフ LiFePO4 電池 11 12V 200Ah 100A BMS $439.99 今すぐ購入
12V 230AH Low Temp Cutoff LiFePO4 RV Battery 11 12V 230Ah $539.99 $100.00節約する 今すぐ購入
12V 300Ah LiFePO4 Lithium Battery 11 12V 300Ah $569.99 今すぐ購入
12V 300AH Bluetooth LiFePO4 Lithium Battery with Self-Heating 11 12V 300Ah(自己発熱) $669.99 今すぐ購入
Vatler 12V 460AH 低温カットオフ LiFePO4 RV バッテリー、300A BMS 内蔵、最大 3840W 電力出力 - Bluetooth RV バージョン 11 12V 460Ah $1,069.99 $530.00節約する 今すぐ購入
VATRER LiFePO4 24V200AH リン酸鉄リチウムイオンバッテリー 自己加熱 トローリングバッテリー APPコントロール 低温保護 リン酸鉄電池 BMS内蔵 11 24V 200Ah $1,009.99 今すぐ購入
36V ゴルフカート用リチウムバッテリー 11 36V 105Ah リチウム ゴルフカート バッテリー $1,069.99 $830.00節約する 今すぐ購入
Vatrer 51.2V 100Ah LiFePO4 リチウム太陽電池、内蔵 100A BMS、最大。 5120W 負荷電力、Bluetooth バージョン 11 51.2V 100Ah $1,069.99 $330.00節約する 今すぐ購入
Vatrer 48V 105AH リチウム ゴルフ カート バッテリー、200A BMS、4000+ サイクル LiFePO4 バッテリー、最大 10.24kW 電力 JP  11 48V 105Ah LiFePO4リチウムゴルフカートバッテリー $1,269.99 売り切れ 今すぐ購入
Wall Mounted Lithium Battery 11 51.2V 100Ah 壁掛け $1,359.99 売り切れ 今すぐ購入